Legal Services /
Litigation Support
Empire’s agents understand that civil suits are an unfortunate but inevitable by product of personal relationships and business activity. Serious disputes can be an extraordinary drain on you as an attorney and on your client’s capital. When engaging our investigators to assist in the resolution of a personal or business conflict, we will first determine your objective, evaluate the legal issues, and gather the facts...ultimately providing you with invaluable information required to achieve successful litigation results.
Below is a list of litigation support services Empire Intelligence, Inc. currently offers its clients. Should you not find the service you require, please contact our office for further inquiry.
- Due diligence
- Premise liability
- Jury Backgrounds
- Backgrounds and employee screening
- Asset Searches
- Process Service
- Locate witnesses
- Statements
- Interviews
- Record Searches
- Witness / personal protection
- Surveillance
Empire Intel - Data indicates that a possible cause for the increase in patent litigation is the increase in patent grants in general. Patent litigators suggest that the increase may be the result of the growing role that universities are taking in developing and licensing technology, and the fact that potential money judgments and settlements in patent litigation outweigh the high costs of litigation.– Lexis Nexis
Empire's Tip: Litigators should consider filing complaints in districts where the judges are knowledgeable about patent law and have experience handling patent cases. Testing the experts’ hypothesis that disposition time is important in selecting a forum, evidence demonstrates that seven of the top-12 patent filing districts have a shorter median time interval from filing to disposition of civil cases than the national average.